Your Personal Business
& Life Coach


Follow Your Dreams

Become the Powerhouse You Know You Are
I am Yvette Roybal, a caring mother to Sophie and Sidney, a loving spouse to my wife Hope, and an industry veteran with a rich life journey defined by resilience, determination, and a relentless pursuit of growth. My story encompasses overcoming personal challenges and achieving the distinction of being the first woman-owned franchise dealer in Santa Fe. My philosophy provides tangible processes for both personal and professional development while my approach centers on helping people unearth their elite self by drawing inspiration from past successes. With insight, adaptability, authenticity, and vulnerability, I guide clients to achieve their dreams, navigate life's challenges, and become the Rare individual they truly are.

Coaching Trajectory Pathways & Pillars


Your Elite Self

It's Already Known & Demonstrated
Many coaches claim to help individuals create their elite versions without providing a concrete process. I believe the process for achieving this already exists within each person. By evoking past moments of peak physical shape, financial success, and flourishing relationships, I illustrate that the elite version resides in one's unique experiences. The key is to embrace what is already within, not mimic someone else, to authentically bring forth your elite self.

Get Started on Your Personalized Coaching Journey

Fill out the form on the right to download You're Rare Coaching's Pathway & Pillars, the Your Elite Self dimensional workbook, and your very own Coaching Journal to track your progress with daily questions to gauge your Vibe Checks and Effort Levels.

Let's create the elite version of you, together.


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